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Understanding and Overcoming Aerophobia: Tips and Strategies for Fear of Flying

Have you ever boarded a plane and found yourself wondering, ‘how on earth does this massive metal machine stay up in the air?’ You’re not alone! Many people, including fearful flyers (Aerophobia), have the same concern when soaring high above the ground. For many, the thought of boarding an airplane fills them with a sense […]

What is aviophobia and how to deal with it?

Although it became very well known now that flying is the safest way to travel, yet some people prefer trains over airplanes for safety concerns they have. But if they consider these concerns from a more static and rational view they will find that their car journey to the airport is actually way more dangerous […]

How to get rid of “aerophobia” and enjoy your flight

We can’t change our destiny, but we can choose how to enjoy and live our life. Travel for some people is the most interesting thing ever, for others it’s the most terrify thing to do. Air travel is the most important and safe mean of transport. People travel for the purpose of study, work, and […]