# Tags

Uniting Aviation Enthusiasts with In-Depth Aviation Insights and Global Coverage.

Aviation for Aviators is an online magazine dedicated to providing engaging, accurate, and informative content on a wide range of aviation topics.

In-Depth Insights

Special Aviation Comprehensive and informative Analysis

Global Coverage

Worldwide Aviation News, Diverse Perspectives

  • 100k+ monthly website visits
  • 4 Million+ monthly social media reach

One of the top aviation blogs globally

Named one of the top 50 aviation blogs in the world by Feedspot


Global Team

Culturally Rich and Global Perspectives Team


Global Audience

Our Audience are from across 5 Continents

Expanding Globally: How Far Have We Reached?

Aviation for Aviators has been soaring across continents since 2019, connecting a global community of aviation enthusiasts and professionals with unparalleled insights and news.

  • Top 50 Aviation Blog Recognition: Achieved the milestone of being named one of the top 50 aviation blogs in the world by Feedspot, highlighting our quality and reach.
  • Expansion into E-commerce: Launched an e-commerce platform, diversifying our offerings with unique aviation-themed merchandise, further engaging our audience.
  • 100K Social Media Milestone: Surpassed 100,000 followers on our main social media platform, marking a significant achievement in community engagement and digital presence.
  • Connecting Aviation Enthusiasts Worldwide: Our aim is to bring together aviation lovers from every corner of the globe, creating a vibrant community where ideas, experiences, and knowledge are shared.
  • Delivering Comprehensive and Insightful Aviation Content: We strive to be the go-to source for thorough and enlightening content, covering a wide range of aviation topics from industry news to in-depth analyses.

  • Fostering Growth and Learning in Aviation: Our objective is to nurture growth and learning within the aviation community, providing resources and opportunities for professional development, education, and personal exploration of the aviation world.


Our Team

Youssef Yahya

Youssef Yahya

CEO & Founder

Sam Jakobi


Mohammed Rizwan

Social Media Specialist

Suhyb Awadalla

Podcast Producer

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