FAA And EASA found a certain A320 Neo engine problem with the fuel used in the A320

Airlines use a popular fuel preservative called KATHON FP 1.5 biocide to counter microbial contamination and other operational problems in refined fuel. But according to both EASA and the FAA, it is potentially unsafe for the aircraft engine.

They found also not the A320 that has this issue, the A319 and A321 models use the KATHON FP 1.5 biocide. The airworthiness marks aircrafts from A320 Family. It means Airlines will not be able to run flights using fuel mixed with KATHON FP 1.5 biocide. The directives also require flushing and cleaning of fuel systems of affected planes.

Photo by: Flicker
Both EASA and the FAA have banned a popular fuel preservative from use on A320 aircraft

According to the FAA, 163 aircraft across the United States are affected. The FAA estimates it will cost just over US$2000 per plane to clean out the fuel systems and about 24 hours.

Photo by Airbus
The FAA directive impacts 163 aircraft across the United States.

The safety regulators address that preservatives play an important role in reducing the threat of fuel contamination. Waterborne (disease)micro-organisms can collect in fuel tanks, cutting off the hydrocarbons in the fuel.

Some previous INCIDENTS caused the manufacture to take in consideration earlier this year and tell airlines not use that product. Until then, KATHON FP 1.5 biocide was one of the most popular fuel preservatives on the market.

In July, the FAA issued another airworthiness directive. This directive banned the use of KATHON FP 1.5 biocide in the Boeing’s 737 MAX before grounding happens.

The KATHON FP 1.5 biocide still across the airline industries and there are fuel preservatives remains popular and approved for usage across shipping, re-sources, and rail industries.

Photo by: AIRBUS
The safety regulators of EASA said the use of KATHON on fuel systems is unsafe.

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