In a heartbreaking incident on July 11, 2024, two Ryanair UK pilots lost their lives in a car accident while traveling to Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LPL). The collision, which took place on the M62 freeway in Cheshire, UK, involved a taxi carrying the pilots and two lorries. Cheshire Police have identified the victims as Captain Matt Greenhalgh, 28, and First Senior Officer Jamie Fernandes, 24.
Details of the Incident
The accident occurred at 5:31 AM local time, approximately 10 miles (16 kilometers) from Liverpool Airport. According to the police report, the taxi collided with the lorries, leading to the immediate deaths of the two pilots. The taxi driver sustained severe injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment.
A 61-year-old lorry driver was arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving. The M62 was temporarily closed between junctions 9 and 7 as emergency services responded to the accident. Authorities have since reopened the road and are urging anyone with information or footage of the incident to come forward.
Cheshire Police have confirmed that the next of kin for both pilots have been notified and are receiving support from specialist officers. In their statement, the police emphasized the gravity of the situation and the ongoing investigation to determine the precise causes and circumstances of the crash.
Other Notable Incidents in 2024
The aviation industry has faced several tragic events this year. In January, a British Airways flight attendant passed away suddenly onboard a flight from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to Hong Kong International Airport (HKG). Despite efforts by a passenger trained in first aid, the flight attendant could not be saved.
In another incident in May, a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul to Izmir experienced severe turbulence, resulting in serious injuries to a flight attendant. The young attendant, only two months into the job, suffered a broken backbone after being thrown against the ceiling and then to the floor.
- Featured image by Wolfgang Weiser | Pexels
Youssef Yahya is the CEO and Founder of Aviation for Aviators, a platform dedicated to the aviation industry. With over 3 years of experience as an aviation writer, Youssef is passionate about sharing his insights on aviation, entrepreneurship, and the broader business landscape. As a Teaching Assistant in Entrepreneurship at Nile University, he also nurtures the next generation of entrepreneurs. When he’s not exploring the skies or business ventures, you can find him saying, ‘Drag your coffee, and let’s talk aviation, entrepreneurship, and football.’
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