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The Puffin: A Personal Aircraft

It is “personal” because it has a crew capacity of one, only one person who is the pilot of the aircraft. Electric, low noise, capable of reaching a speed of 150 miles per hour, and how it works, it seems to be a fancy vehicle. The inventor, the aerospace engineer Mark Moore idealized the concept […]

Flying Saucer “Avrocar”

A flying saucer made for the U.S. military, devised in the Cold War (period 1958-1959) by Canadian Scientists, was a completely top secret project. Avro Canada, a Canadian aircraft manufacturing company, designed and built two prototypes of this aircraft, under the funding of the U.S. military that believed on an “alien” looking plane. At those […]

Flight on another planet (MARS)

Flights within the earth are possible taking into account our atmosphere composed of air. But when talking about flying through outer space or even an almost non-existent atmosphere or one that is composed of other gases like the planets in our solar system, propulsion methods and flight dynamics of the vehicles will be significantly affected.