Transition, recurrent training, and checks

Being a pilot isn’t a skill to learn or forget. Pilots have to keep themselves and the passengers safe. Before being a pilot, the person has to get through a lot of training in several stages, which may take two years of intensive learning. Getting the license and certificates doesn‘t mean there aren’t more training and courses. Among these courses, every pilot needs to perform recurrent training and checks relevant to the type or variant of aircraft on which a pilot operates.


What is the transition training?

It’s the initial training for pilots who are hired newly by airlines, and pilots who work for a company and move to another with perhaps new kinds of aircraft. Also, for the first officer who has upgraded to captain. The movement to a more complicated airplane means pilots have to get training under the administration of highly qualified and competent air instructors.

The transition training depends on the pilot’s qualifications. It’s minimal to those who have high qualifications or increased for those pilots who do not meet certification requirements or have had little recent flight experience.

What is the recurrent training?

It’s a scheduled refresher training for pilots who have to get through regularly. Some recurrent training takes place every few months, annually, biannual, and biennial basis. Training may be online or in-person or both of them. Written and/or practical proficiency evaluation accompanies most forms of recurrent training.


CRM training

Very important training gives refreshing, developing, and demonstrating soft skills. It includes critical soft skills, communication skills, the pilot’s ability to make safe decisions, leadership skills, how to work under pressure, and the ability to work in a team and handle problems.

Ground and flight training

Each and every one of the crew members have to complete this training through a Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) or an aircraft, or both of them, at least every 12 calendar months.

Emergency and safety equipment training and check

Every crew member has to know the location, how to use safety and emergency equipment, the validity of training is 2 months.


Line check

Each pilot is required to complete a line check on aircraft to approve competence in carrying out normal line operations described in the operations manual. This check is valid for 12 months.

Operator proficiency check

All of the crew members are obliged to do this check, which is to satisfy the airline that the pilot is on the standards proficiency to work for the airline. The validity of this check is 6 months.  


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